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What Does Burnt Engine Oil Smell Like? (Read This First!)

You may sometimes experience a weird smell inside your car and wonder whether it is from burnt engine oil. If the small spread after an oil change, it is likely that your car has an oil cap or a drain plug that was not fitted well. It may also be caused by burnt engine oil.

In this article, we will discuss what a burnt engine smells like and how you can identify it. We will also discuss what happens when an engine burns oil. So read ahead to learn more about it.

What Does Burnt Engine Oil Smell Like?

The odor varies depending on the type of oil. Burnt engine oil generally smells like sulfur. This smell is released when the engine gets too hot and oil is burning. Burnt engine oil also gives off an acrid odor. This may happen when the engine oil level is too low or the engine has gotten too old.

Burnt oil comes in many forms, depending on the type of oil. The smell may vary depending on the type of oil that you use in your car. But generally burnt engine oil will smell like sulfur.

If you notice that your vehicle has a very low oil level or the oil is getting too old, it is likely that you will smell burnt engine oil. In such a case, you will need to change the oil in your engine.

You will know that your car engine is burning oil by looking at the oil level. But if you still cannot identify burning oil, look for a burnt smell.

Burnt engine oil has a strong odor. This odor is developed when the oil is exposed to hot components in the engine and the smell lasts for a long time.

Very old oil that has been in the engine for a while will smell like gas when they are burnt. This is caused as a result of rust formed inside the engine. In such a case, you will need an immediate change of oil.

Burnt synthetic engine oil:

Burnt synthetic engine oil will give off a smell that is identical to sulfur. It is likely that the engine oil is burning or leaking from the exhaust. There is also a possibility that the engine oil filter is leaking.

As soon as the car’s engine gets hot, the oil will be burning. This will give off a strong smell that is similar to that of sulfur. Keep an eye on the oil level of your car.

Also, note that full synthetic oil will smell like gas in its regular form. But when it is burning, you will notice a strong burnt odor inside the car.

How do you know if your engine is burning oil?

Maintaining your car is not an easy task. It requires you to remain alert at all times. You will have to carefully notice every weird smell, every unusual movement, and such. These are indications that there’s something wrong with the car.

So wondering how to know if your engine is burning oil? Here’s how you can tell:

Check the oil level:

Check the oil level of your car. Open the hood of your car and pull out the dipstick from the inside. Now wipe it clean before putting it back inside.

If you put the clean dipstick inside, you can understand how much oil is left inside. If the oil level is low, make sure to fill the tank with oil until the dipstick indicates a full tank.

Make sure to run this process after every 500 miles. If you notice that the engine reads a quart low after 500 miles, you will have to understand that your car engine has a burning issue.

Check for misfiring:

Check and monitor the car engine for any misfiring. If your car engine is burning oil, it is likely that it will also cause misfiring in the spark plugs.

Check the exhaust:

If you notice any blue smoke coming out of the exhaust pipe, it is likely that your car engine has a burning problem. So make sure to check the exhaust whenever you notice an unusual smell inside your car.

If there’s any blue smoke coming out of the car’s exhaust pipe while the engine is running, it is a clear indication that the car is burning oil.

Higher emissions:

If your car engine is burning oil, it will also have higher emissions. Run some emissions tests on your car if you notice an unusual smell. If there is engine oil burning in the car, it will definitely fail any emissions test.

Does burnt engine oil smell like gas?

Burnt engine oil may sometimes smell like gas. This is a special case and is very unlikely to happen. Burnt engine oil will smell like gas when the oil has been in the engine for a long time and has developed rust inside.

So to sum up, if you have not changed the oil in the engine in a long time and notice that your car is smelling like gas, it is likely that there are some burning oil issues in the car. Very old engine oil that has developed rust or other sluggish elements inside will smell like gas. 

In such a case, you will need to change the oil as soon as possible. Do not further delay the process or you will cause costly damage to the car.

When do you smell oil burning in the engine? Is it normal to smell burnt oil after oil change?

When your car’s oil level is too low, you are likely to smell oil burning in the engine. The burns smell may come in one of the many forms that we mentioned earlier.

You might get a strong and acrid odor or one that smells like sulfur. Or you may get a burning smell that seems like gas.

It is not normal to smell burnt oil after an oil change. That is most likely something wrong with your vehicle if you get a burning smell right after an oil change. It is likely that your car has a leak.

If you get a burning smell after an oil change, make sure to check the engine. There might be a leak in the drain plug of your oil tank. Or the drain plug might be loose and you will need to fit it properly before taking the car out for another spin.

You can also solve the issue by screwing the cap properly if you notice that the screw of the drain plug is loosened. A burning smell after an oil change is an indication that there is something wrong with your car.

How to get rid of the burning oil smell in the car?

Here are some steps that you can follow in order to get rid of the burning oil smell in your car:

Fill up the tank:

It is likely that the oil level in your car is too low. This is most likely causing the burning smell inside the car.  In such a case, you will need to fill the oil tank as soon as possible. Low oil levels cause the engine to burn oil.

Fill with water:

If you do not have access to oil at that moment, make sure to fill the wash tank with enough water for the time being. Stir some baking soda and vinegar into the water.

Once you are done stirring the mixture, make sure to distribute it evenly inside the tank. This will help you get rid of the burning oil smell in the car for a while. Make sure to fill the tank with oil as soon as you can reach a gas filling station.

What happens if your engine burns oil?

If the engine burns oil, it will send you several indications. First of all, you will notice that the engine is running more aggressively. Because in such a case, your car engine will not be able to burn the engine properly. So it will start acting up.

The catalytic converter in the car engine may cause the engine to overheat as well. It might even fail to run. And if the engine oil level is too low, it will cause the engine to seize after a while.

Final Thoughts

A burnt engine oil smell may come in several forms, depending on the type of oil used, the kind of burn, and the cause behind it. Burnt engine oil may smell like sulfur. It may also have a strong and acrid smell. And if the oil is oil and develops rust, the burnt oil may smell like gas.